Occasional playlists for the attention deficient.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturday Night Soul

You thought I forgot, didn't you?

Okay, I almost did. But here it is! Good Gravy for your Saturday Night. Or your any night. Step up and fill your plate! SATURDAY NIGHT SOUL

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Diamond in the Back

Stumbled across the classic (and oft covered and sampled) William de Vaughn track "Be Thankful for What You Got" this week! So good. Kind of weird that first on the chopping block wound up last in the oven!

You know what? He's right. Fuck a Cadillac. Maybe this is just too many years spent listening to soul heartbreak, but I think we all ought to wear our heartbreaks and hurdles like badges instead of scars. THAT'S the real diamond in the back. THOSE are our gangsta' white walls.